Home Our School The Flip Game Our Robot Our Team
Our Robot
The Brainstorming...
When we first found out what the game would be this year, we did a lot of brainstorming. We first thought of giving the robot an arm that could rotate and translate. It could be used for the arch and the actuators during the game. But, we soon changed our idea. We then thought about having an arm that could only rotate. Having this will make it simpler. And, instead of making the arm translate, we thought of having some sort of object at the front and at the back of the robot that could allow us to push the actuators.

This being said, we were thinking of a robot that was small, that had an arm, and an object to push the actuators. The next question that needed to be answered was, "how can we make the robot easier to control?" Our first answer was to give the robot mecanum wheels. But after more thinking, we also thought that it would be ineteresting to give the robot the ability to change its "front side". This way, depending on which color our team is and depending on where we are on the playing field, it will be easier for us to control.

brainstorm brainstorm
The Robot's Design...
For the Flip Game, our robot will be made of wood and metal. Last year, as we used a baby stroller for the base, we saw that making our own base would be simpler. So, we will have a rectangular base made of wood with metal frames.

The mecanum wheels will be placed within the base, instead of underneath. When it comes to the arm, it will be connected to a wheel that can be controlled with the help of a motor. This way, we can make it rotate in a simpler way.

In order to activate the actuators, we will place a ball-like object at the front and at the back of the robot. This object will most-likely be a small tenis ball.

Problems Encountered...
During our robot building, there were many problems encountered. Since, for many of us, it's our first time to really make a robot, we had a lot of difficulties.

One of these was with the wheels and the motors. We had trouble making axles for the wheels that fit both the wheel's hub and the motors at the same time. But, because of this, we ended up buying different metal rods and hubs. After doing this, our task got a lot easier to do.

Another problem we had was with the motors. At first, we were using motors with a ratio of 256:1, but we soon realized that these were too slow for this year's competition. So, we searched in our materials and found motors that had a 64:1 ratio. This was a lot better, but our difficulties weren't over. The inside of the gearboxes weren't the same. So, the metal rods that we shaved to fit in our previous piece didn't fit in this new one. Because of this, we decided to use the 256:1 motors' pieces in order to modify the 64:1 motors.

Lastly, the main problem we encountered was with the arm. Even to this day, we still don't have a clear idea of how to make it or how to make it work. This is still a question we need to answer...

Inspired by Dr.Seuss' "The Lorax"